We have regular Suprabhataseva on every 3rd Saturday of the Month at 11.30am, it has been continuing past 3 decades. For all the existing members the Archana ticket is free. We have also reduced the payments for big puja’s and groups such as Sammohika Venkateswara Kalayanam. Satyannarayanavratam in temple.
Priest is always available at the Temple unless he is gone for some other events. Whenever you need the priest for home puja’s, marriages, inauguration of new home, or any other events, you can take him by booking in advance with the committee member or contact the priest for availability. For further information contact on: 01772 798512 or Mobile: 07597021071
To all Telugu Community Members: the committee would like to thank everyone for their support throughout many years. We endeavour to accommodate festivals or any other occasions to all Telugu Community peoples. We are extremely happy for your contribution to the community. Some members of the Community haven’t paid their yearly membership fee due to their commitments and some of you missed previous yearly membership. We kindly like to remind you to pay yearly membership by June this year. We will be visiting you and collect the membership in June .Your membership pays towards priest wages and running the temple. We also like to thank all the volunteers for their efforts and time spent to the community.
People who wish to receive their newsletter by email please send your email address to info@venkateswara.co.uk This will be quicker and you can view your mail anywhere plus it saves postage and printing charges for our temple.
Any Complaints please write to the committee and post it to Temple address, or email to info@venkateswara.co.uk.Of course if you want any help or discussion or suggestion but confidential matter call Padala Veera Brahma Reddy (President) on 07534477563 (1pm to 6am)
Or Satti Lakshmana Reddy (Priest and Building Co-Ordinator) Mobile: 07736776752
Your help is everyone’s help: Manava Seva Madhava Seva. God Bless you all.
Yours Fraternally;