Between the 8th October 2010 and 17th October 2010 Devi Navarathri’s will be celebrated. Every day from the 8th October 2010, morning and evening Devi poojas will be conducted by couples. We request that you participate on these days and receive BLESSINGS FROM THE GODDESS. For information and pooja items please contact the poojari garu. […]
Posts Tagged ‘festival’

Sree Vinayaka Chavithi
11th September 2010

On the 11th September 2010, Vinayaka chavithi will be celebrated. Between the 11th September 2010 and 19th September 2010 for nine days Ganapathi navarathri’s will also be celebrated. During these nine days, every morning and evening a couple will be conducting the pooja and perform the Lakshmiganpathi Homam. We encourage you to participate on these […]

Sree Krishna Janmashtami
05th September 2010

Due to the auspicious day falling on Wednesday, 1st September 2010, poojas will be carried out at the temple on this day. We have made it convienient for everybody and decided to celebrate this event on Sunday evening on the 5th September 2010. Sree Radha Krishana pooja will be started at 6.00pm followed by perugumuntha […]

Sree Varalakshmi Devi Vratam
20th August 2010

On the 20th August 2010 Swasthisree Chandramana sree Vikruthinama samvathsara Sravanamasa ekaadashi Sukravaaram Varalakshmi Vratam will be celebrated. The pooja will start from 5.00am and complete around 9.30am. The Pooja will re-commence in the evening between 7.00pm and 9.00pm. Devotees are requested to participate in this event aspecially ladies and recieve BLESSINGS FROM LAKSHMI DEVI. […]