Past three years due to the coronavirus, the committee members unable visit to collect any membership, but few members phoned and paid the membership and few sent the direct payment to the bank. We kindly request any members that are not paid please pay us soon as possible to continue to maintain out community. Note: please do not bring any food from home but give the money to priest and he will make the food offerings for the god and provide prasadam for devotees. Anyone wishing to donate food feast for everyone at the temple on 3rd saturday after suprabhadaseva do give money it to priest, he will provide the catering. This is once a month any one can contribute towards the cost of lunch. Ask pujari for details.
With help of every member of the telugu community subscriptions the community runs. We appreciate that you would all keep up all your yearly payments to the community. We also recommend that you send your children to the telugu school and for any consultation of almanac (panchagam) see priest. We have suprabhata seva everyday morning. Special suprbhataseva on every third week of beginning of the month at 11.30am saturday. We wish that all attend and receive blessings of lord sri venkateswara. Every saturday evening from 7.30pm bhajana’s performed in the temple. Interested devotees can join and perform or if they wish they can come for darsanam and take blessings.
On sunday’s there will be telugu language classes for all children, for timings of the classes speak to the priest he is the tutor of the class. There is no fee for the class it is free. For those who want their children to learn the language you can use this facilities.
All members kindly provide their email address so we can send emails for everyone it is fast and cost effective for the community. With everyone support this community survives, please do not forget to contribute your subscriptions.
We are trying our best of ability to run this community and we appreciate your contribution, if you have any complaints or suggestions on how to improve, please email to us at: info@venkateswara.co.uk.
Thank you
Yours fraternally
The committee.