Archive for July, 2016

Sri Subrahmanyam Swamy Sashti – 5-12-2016 Monday

Sri Subrahmanyam Swamy Sashti: Swasti Sri Chandramana Sri Durmukhi Nama Year, Margasira Sudha Sashti on 5-12-2016 Monday. In the morning at 10am Sri Subrahmanyam Swamy Kalyanam performed thereafter neeranjanam and mantra pushpalu given. Anyone interested in performing this Kalyanam please contact priest.

Dhansu Sankramana – 16-12-2016

Dhansu Sankramana 16-12-2016 Friday commences, there will be regular poojas at the temple.

Andhra Bhavan, 28 St Mary’s Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 5LN, UK | Tel No. 01772 798512 | Religious Worship No. 77711 | Charity Registration No: 1115907